Whenever you ride a motorcycle, there are risks involved. Whether the accident of the vehicle is caused by the motorcyclist or other motorist, as a rider, you got all to lose in an accident. There is a saying, riding a motorcycle it is flesh covering the metal piece whereas driving a car is metal piece covering the flesh. Also, head is one the important parts of the body. Without the brain, the body is useless even the hearts still pumps. It is rightfully and responsible to keep the injury to the head to the minimum. Having said that, this Riding Book teaches you to ride a motorcycle from beginning and let you know which type of motorcycle helmet is suitable to which type of motorcycle.
In motorcycle accidents, head injuries are the most common because it absorbs most of the impact. The injuries to the head can be minimised if the motorcyclist wear a good motorcycle helmet which is either made of mostly carbon fibre or Kevlar.
Some of the motorcyclist does not like to wear helmet because it is heavy, stuffy and uncomfortable. There is no doubt about it. However, putting safety in the first place and there are many helmet designs nowadays in the market for motorcyclist to choose from for different type of motorcycle such as full face helmet, modular helmet, motocross helmet, open face helmet and half helmet.
The Full face helmet is the one that provides best coverage for the face and head. The face shield can protect the rider from insects and debris that could distract the rider concentration.
The Modular Helmet is the one that can flip-up the front portion. It resembles the full face helmet when it is closed. The advantage of flip-up helmet to full face is that the rider can speak clearly to someone who is standing close instead of the full face helmet that the voice of the motorcyclist is muffled.
The Motocross helmet is designed to ride a dirt bike. This kind presents extra protection for the chin and visor. It has an open face design that is why riders are required to wear goggles for full protection.
The Open Face helmet covers the head only and has no chin bar or protection for the rider. This requires the rider to use goggles to be protected against debris.
The half helmet gives very little protection in the event of a collision. This kind of helmet can be only be used for travelling short distances.
Although motorcycle helmet can save life, it is also important to know how to ride a motorcycle. The Riding book is a good head start for motorcycle enthusiast who wants to learn to ride motorcycle. The book shares details on motorcycle.